DNA Office | 600 Haverford Road, Suite 205
Haverford, PA 19041 Tel: (610) 214-3134
Neuropsychological Evaluation
A comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation is designed to understand a client’s unique strengths and challenges by designing an assessment battery that targets a variety of areas of functioning. Below is the list of typical areas we cover in a full evaluation:
Cognitive Ability or ‘IQ’
Academic Achievement
Visual-Spatial/Motor Skills
Language Skills
Learning and Memory
Attention and Concentration
Executive Functioning
Behavioral/Emotional Functioning
Independent Educational Evaluation
Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) are full neuropsychological evaluations that are funded by public school districts. In these cases, school districts will need to approve us as providers and we sign a contract directly with the school district. We then work with the family to schedule the evaluation. Once completed, we will provide direct feedback to the family to discuss the results, and then release the report to the family and school simultaneously.
Targeted Evaluation
We will determine the appropriateness of a targeted evaluation on a case-by-case basis. For example, an evaluation that is designed to answer an autism-specific referral question or to determine continued eligibility for accommodations (with prior testing).
Developmental Disability Determination Evaluation
This evaluation option is for clients seeking disability services as an individual with a possible developmental disability (such as intellectual disability and/or autism). We create a very targeted assessment battery that provides the information necessary to determine eligibility for disability services.
Admissions Testing
This is for families seeking private school admission and only includes administration of an IQ test. We provide a brief summary of our results that can be used for private school applications.
We are available to help families at multiple points along their journey. Examples of consultation options include review of updated IEPs or learning plans after the completion of an evaluation, review of school-based testing to help families better understand the results, consultation with providers or school team members, helping to guide treatment planning, and general check-ins to discuss progress with recommendations.